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Concept innovation for Luxury Menswear


Male luxury has experienced significant growth in recent years; it has made major brands in the industry of fashion and luxury look for a better balance in their human resources from their Design and Stylism headquarters’ departments.

The fashion designer of men's collections is therefore the protagonist of the success of luxury brands.

To project collections for men's market requires a deep understanding of men’s buying behavior and its continuous evolution.

Nowadays, man is shown as intelligent, strategic, elegant and demanding, and so has changed the rules of the male market itself.

Modern man is comparable to a "brand " with a "brand value" social, cultural and economic, a strong and structured "know -how ", an aesthetic and functional "packaging". This " hyper-body" moves "in the market" in a lively and acumen way: indulging itself in a constant experimentation, with daring lightly but illuminated, leaving a solid base and original story of tradition.

In response, brands have had to rethink their strategies for their collections and products to offer, in order to reach this informed and powerful consumer, capable of creating.





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